Sunday, March 10, 2019

Comparison with Inspiration Films - 'The Matrix', and 'The Truman Show'

The Matrix is a story where humanity became enslaved by robots who used them as living batteries by placing them in small capsules where they would live out their lives in a virtual reality program called the "Matrix" where they co-existed with other humans who were connected to the same reality.

The Truman Show takes place in a dystopia where the life of an unwilling participant became broadcast on television as a show. Truman lived in a world that was heavily monitored and entirely controlled by the studio and director. It was as if he lived in an existence all by himself. With everyone around him being hired actors, he was the only one who truly experienced the world that was being presented to him. Although this film is not 

My story will incorporate elements from both of these films. The setting will be in a virtual reality for the majority of the opening and approximately half of the film.

 Unlike the Matrix, there will be no other inhabitants or human minds in the main character's world. Similar to The Truman Show, there will be computer AIs that act as elaborate NPCs that would emulate the non-existing actors in my story. 

My story has the element of outside observation that is present in the Truman show and not in the Matrix. As well as technological aspects from the Matrix that are not present in the Truman show.

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